April 3, 2019

2019 April Financial Update

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Interested in online giving? View the guide here on how to set up recurring giving or make a one-time gift. If you have any questions, give us a call at 812.376.8455.

If you are wondering our finances matter, take a look at our 2018 Impact Report. This gives an overview of why we do what we do, most of which is hard to do, if not impossible, without the funding to do so. 



Our fiscal year ends on June 30, so today actually ends the the end of our 3rd quarter of our financial year. We are entering the final quarter of our fiscal year, which is April – June.

We are significantly behind budget. Our general fund budget for the year is $1.6 million dollars. We are averaging a shortfall of about $4,000 per week, which at this point in the year amounts to $156,000.

We did not increase our budget in any significant way at the beginning of our fiscal year. In fact, it was a very conservative 3% increase, and has been that for the last 3 years. And we have met our budget every year.

So what has changed? It’s hard to identify all the factors, but we have lost some giving this year. Some significant contributors have retired and reduced their giving, we’ve had some move away, and some who commuted from other cities have decided to attend churches in their city. That has happened consistently in the past, but we find ourselves in a season where we have not added new giving or donors at a rate to replace our lost giving.

At the same time, last fall through For Their Future, we had over $800,000 pledged. That is so exciting. We were so encouraged. And we are so grateful for the response to that. Keep in mind, though, that all the money received for that is designated to specific projects. So it doesn’t go to our general fund. Our general fund is how we pay the bills.

Our look into FTF giving strongly indicates that people giving to FTF are giving over and above their general fund giving. FTF is not contributing in any significant way to our current deficit.

In an attempt to address some of the shortfall, we made a 10% cut in January in every expense that is not a fixed expense. Then we just recently made another 10%. So we are doing what we can do to manage our spending to our income. At the same time, this does impact our ability to do ministry.

I’m bringing this to your attention so that you are aware of it going into the 4th quarter of our fiscal year. If we finish strong, we’ll be okay.

Here’s the encouraging thing. We have great potential. Right now 16% of Ridgers give 80% of our income. I don’t say that to be negative or to guilt anyone. Quite the opposite, it shows me that our budget goals are very attainable. If we will respond in this last quarter of the year, we can overcome the deficit.

All of our income comes through donations made by people just like you and me. Now is the time for us to ask, “How can I do my part?” Small next steps by many of that 84% will not only retire our deficit, but exceed it.

You can contribute through the offerings on Sunday, and there are offering envelopes so you can receive tax credit for your giving, or you can go to our website, theridge.org, and give online. If you use online giving, using the repeated giving feature might be a great next step.

It’s been great to see many times in our history as Ridgers have responded. This is one of those times, as we continue to do whatever it takes to reach our community for Christ.