June 11, 2019
Adam's Blog: For Their Future
Recently the staff received an email from someone who had posted about The Ridge on her Facebook page. I held my breath (you never know what people are going to do on social media) and started to read. This is what the post said:
"A year ago on Easter Sunday I went to church for the first time in about 10 years. Ever since that first time going to The Ridge I’ve been SOOO much closer with God and it has truly transformed my entire life. I’ve been going every Sunday since that first time going on Easter Sunday. Not most people understand how different The Ridge is from other churches. In all honesty I used to hate church. I never went because I was always judged and I always found myself nearly falling asleep. But with The Ridge you don’t even feel like you’re at church. They are so relatable, so welcoming, it feels like you’re at a concert, and questions and doubts are more than welcome. They have life groups and I even found myself joining a group there called MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers). It’s so amazing. They have life groups for everyone from Celebrate Recovery to mom groups. I’m a sinner, I’m flawed, I’m not perfect. But this church knows everyone is that way. They do anything it takes to reach their community for Christ. If I do say so myself they do an absolutely incredible job. I’m so proud to say I’m a member of The Ridge. Honestly, I’m not sure where I’d be without Ridge24.7."
Our vision at The Ridge is to do whatever it takes to reach our community for Christ. It's to do whatever it takes for people like this.
One way we're doing whatever it takes today is through a financial project called "…For Their Future." We believe God is prompting us to look beyond ourselves and rise up and work toward reaching people in our community for Christ in a different way; to maximize The Ridge’s impact in our community beyond ourselves and what we’re currently doing.
Things are being maximized, too. We've hired staff (Tim Perkins, our new Connections Pastor and Becca Malburg, our Communications Director). We've installed a glass storefront in the Little Ridge Kids hallway to keep our kids spaces even more secure. We've started on a playground. We're planning a renovation to a few other spaces. We're giving to local non-profits to help them do whatever it takes, too. All of those things are important, and are happening because of your investment.
But what really gets me excited how God working through this vision prompts a response. Because when someone says "I'm not sure where I'd be without The Ridge" they are saying, "Look at what God is doing." I want every single person in our community to be able to say, "Look at what God is doing."
And I really want to be a part of it.
Find out more about this project here.
Whatever it takes,