April 20, 2021

Jerry's Blog: A Trip Like No Other

What will be your most meaningful experience in Israel?
Ask those who have gone on previous trips and answers will vary. Some will talk about the time in Jerusalem, perhaps when we spent part of the day walking the Via Dolorosa.
Some will say that it was the quiet moment of reflection at the Garden of Gethsemane (where Jesus prayed the night before He was crucified) or the time to pray on the mountain overlooking the Sea of Galilee where Jesus prayed.
Some will cite the boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, where we read the story of Jesus calming the storm and how Jesus put His disciples in the storm on purpose—to grow their faith. It was at that moment that some realized that God had a purpose in their own personal storms of life.
Some will mention the camel ride in the desert. (Just joking about that one! It was memorable, but certainly not the most significant part of the trip!)
While the meaningful experiences will vary from person to person, I do know for certain that you will have “a moment.” And I can’t wait to experience that with you!
It’s a trip like none other. You will never be the same again. You will never read the Bible the same again. The pages of Scripture will come to life!
To register, view detailed trip cost, and learn more, visit the trip website
. If you’d like to join us on this trip of a lifetime, registration is open now. If you pay the $500 deposit by May 3, you’ll receive $100 off the total trip cost. If you have additional questions, don’t hesitate to email us.
I can’t wait to experience this trip with you!

Jerry Day is the Lead Pastor at The Ridge