With the upcoming election, we want to pray for our national leaders, regardless of their/our political affiliation. Would you join us in praying for our current national leaders, as well as those who are nominated for those positions? 



Check out the video below for how to navigate the prayer walk, and pray for and through Reach More. If you're not in the Columbus area, you can still pray through the prompts below, regardless of where you are.



  • Pray for 100% of our church to participate in Reach More. Ask God how he wants you to to engage, and pray for God to prompt other Ridgers as they consider it, too.

  • Pray for all the people who will be impacted by Ridge Counseling Services (counselors, those receiving counseling, etc.), and ask God to use it to make an impact on the mental health needs in Bartholomew and Decatur County.

  • Pray for God to reach more people, and for wisdom on how best to reach Decatur County for Christ through a multisite location.

  • Pray for people who step foot in our building to have a positive experience, and pray that as people who don't have a church home engage in non-Ridge events they feel welcomed and more open to an invitation to church. Also pray for opportunities to give back to our community through our facility.

  • Pray for your specific community: family, coworkers, spouse, neighbors, yourself, etc.

  • Pray for your job, school, worries, hopes, etc., Tell God what you need, and thank Him for what He's doing in your life.

  • Take time to walk and listen to God.


  • Kids: While the grown ups are doing this activity, grab some chalk and get creative! Share your favorite Bible verse, or draw a picture on the blacktop to show the world how much you love Jesus. 

  • Colossians 2:13-14 - You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross.

  • Pick up the nail from the box. As you hold it in your hand, this nail represents your sin, the worst thing you have ever done. Whatever it is, God is aware of it. It matters to him, and he loves you anyway. This is the truth: if you have surrendered your life to Jesus and follow him, your sin is nailed to the cross.

  • There is not one thing you can do to make Jesus love you more, and there is not one sin you can commit that can make Jesus love you less. He knows you, and loves you, and forgives you. That sin and all the shame that comes with it gets nailed up on the cross with Jesus. And because of the cross, that nail in your hand is no longer a symbol of the worst thing you’ve ever done, but now it’s a symbol of the greatest thing that could ever have been done on your behalf. Because of this, we can leave those sins nailed to the cross. 

  • Take a moment to hammer this nail in the cross as a reminder of the forgiveness and love of Jesus.

  • Now pray for God to use Reach More to help everyone in our communities know the life changing love of Jesus. 

  • Once you've done the prayer walk and put a nail in the cross, you're invited to participate again as many times as you like. Feel free to also follow these prompts at home, and pray in these specific ways at any time, in any place. If you would like for us to pray for you, you can also click the link on this page.