At The Ridge, our mission for many years has been to do whatever it takes to reach our community for Christ. Being a “whatever it takes” has led us to intentionally and passionately do whatever we can to love our friends, neighbors, and families with the life-changing love of Jesus.

We want to continue to live that mission out because we follow a God who loves us, provides for us in countless ways, and calls us to trust him with everything. We are motivated by God’s “whatever it takes” type of love for us, and we will do anything short of sin to introduce people to Jesus. We know firsthand the love of Jesus changes everything, and we believe God has uniquely positioned The Ridge to continue to do whatever it takes. But being uniquely positioned means we’ve also been uniquely called.

Today, we believe that means we are being called to join God as he continues to do whatever it takes to Reach More. We want every single person who calls The Ridge their church home to take a next step and be a part of what God is uniquely calling us to do as we Reach More people who need help, guidance, and support through counseling, reach more of our friends, families, and neighbors beyond our county lines, and to reach more by being a place known for care and community for our friends and neighbors.

We believe we are being called to reach more in these three areas:  

We are committed to developing Care Groups, a one-on-one counseling strategy, and building other partnerships to address and engage the mental health needs in Bartholomew and Decatur Counties. To do this, we are hiring counselors, a Ridge Counseling Services director, and will be launching multiple groups and training to help people right where they are.

As we look at reaching beyond our current county lines, we believe we’re being prompted to launch a second physical campus in Decatur County. We want to break down barriers to an invitation, by creating a campus closer to home for those who live in other areas, and not 30 minutes down the road. We are excited to explore what that means, specifically in Decatur County, as we do whatever it takes to reach more people in that community.

We want to create an irresistible environment that keeps your friends and family coming back, and that is a welcoming space to invite someone into. As we look at how to reach more in our community, it means making some facility updates. Updates that will make this not only an irresistible space on Sunday mornings, but throughout the week, too, so that our community, local organizations, schools, etc. can use our building for their events.

How cool would it be if every single person in Bartholomew County had stepped foot in our building for an event? How much easier would an invite to church be, if your friend already had been in our space for something else?


How is God prompting you to reach more over the course of the two years? When you see those three areas, is there a person who comes to mind? Has your life been impacted because someone was prompted to reach more people like you? Would you prayerfully consider how you can be a part of how God is reaching more through this campaign? 

When you're ready to fill out a commitment card, you can find a digital version here. Physical commitment cards will also be available on Sunday mornings at our in-person campus. Need help filling out the card? Check out this video:

Digital Commitment CardOnline Giving 

Interested in diving deeper and learning more about the Reach More project? Check out these other resources:

 Digital Booklet

 Reach More Podcast

 Pray For