The Takeaway
This Changes Everything
Don't Make it Difficult

RAW - The Psalms give unique insight into the hearts and minds of regular people as they interact with God. The full range of human emotion is displayed, sometimes in ways that are more real than we expect. They show that God is big enough to engage with our every emotion, whether we feel grateful or angry, wonder or confusion, joy or pain. We don’t have to filter our feelings or clean ourselves up. We can come to God real and raw.

Psalm 142 - Josh Crum

Psalm 73 - Josh Crum

Psalm 69 - Jerry Day

Psalm 119 - Jerry Day

Psalm 51 - Josh Crum

Psalm 19 - Josh Crum

Psalm 23 - Jerry Day

Psalm 42 - Jerry Day

Psalm 1 - Josh Crum

The Takeaway - Jesus tells a good story; the Bible is full of them. People learn best through stories, so He often shared timeless truth woven through a narrative. It was a purposeful way to communicate significant spiritual concepts in ways people understood and related to. Jesus’ goal wasn’t to entertain people. There was always something meaningful about the character of God and the hope of the good news that He wanted them to understand. What do we take away from these parables?

Smooth Criminal - Adam Johnson

Cosmic Parties - Jerry Day

Skin Deep - Josh Crum

So Annoying - Jerry Day

Either/Or - Josh Crum

This Changes Everything - Easter


Don't Make It Difficult - Vision Talk 

EXTRAordinary - What happens when you give God complete control and take risks? It’s scary and people may not understand, but the results are life-changing and world-altering. Through the life of Elisha the prophet, we will learn how to live extraordinary lives of faith. Don’t settle for average. Pursue extraordinary.

Showing Up - Reggie Joiner